
搬瓦工上线日本软银限量版方案 512m内存/10G硬盘/1G带宽 $65.38/年

VPS云服务器 超兽vps 280浏览 0评论

搬瓦工很长时间没有发布新的限量版套餐,去年双十一也没有发布。今早猝不及防地发布了一款限量版方案,名为“Basic VPS – Self-managed – SPECIAL 10G KVM PROMO V5 – JAPAN LIMITED EDITION”,位于日本大阪软银机房,不允许迁移机房。

日本软银限量版套餐价格为 $69.99/年,目前只能使用搬瓦工日本大阪机房 JP – Equinix Osaka Softbank (JPOS_1),走软银BBTEC线路,不可以迁移到其他机房。主机格调已经购买该限量版套餐,路过不能错过。


优惠码:BWH3HYATVBJW 循环优惠码6.58%



套餐 内存 CPU 硬盘 流量 带宽 防御 IP 线路 价格
日本软银限量版 512M 单核 10G SSD 500G 1Gbps 1 日本软银 $65.38/年

日本软银限量版套餐不能迁移机房,走日本软银线路。不过可以升级到 LOS ANGELES – CN2 GIA E 方案。




  1. 账户建立30天内可以无理由退款;
  2. 退款时需要账户下VPS总数少于3个,且总支付额少于60美元,总支付次数少于10次;
  3. 退款是全额退款,且账号下所有VPS都会被执行退款(如果你有多个VPS,你想退一个,不可能的,只能多个都退了重新买);
  4. 每个账户只有一次退款机会,退款后可以再购买VPS,但不能退款了。


Cancellations and Refunds

Customer may cancel services at any time in the billing control panel.

Customer may request a full refund of all payments made to their account provided all of the following conditions are met:

1. Customer’s account is in good standing and there have been no violations of entire Terms of Services
2. None of the payments have been previously or currently disputed or charged back
3. None of the IPs assigned to client’s services are on any Black/Block list
4. The number of services (active or cancelled) under the account is 3 or fewer
5. The sum of all payments made towards the account is $60 or less and the total number of payments is 10 or fewer
6. The account was created 30 or fewer days ago
7. Client had not used the right to Refund under a different account

When a refund is requested, we will perform the following:

1. We will provide full refund of all payments made towards the account starting from the moment account was created
2. All services under the account will be instantly terminated
3. All data, snapshots and backups will be instantly and irreversibly wiped

Refunds are issued to the original form of payment.

After the refund is processed, account may be used for future orders, however it will not be eligible for further refunds.

How to request a refund: https://bandwagonhost.com/knowledgebase/4/Refunds.html

转载请注明:VPS站长网 » 搬瓦工上线日本软银限量版方案 512m内存/10G硬盘/1G带宽 $65.38/年



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